Monday, December 8, 2008


So I know the econemy is lookn like crap, and I'm in college, and I have no time, But God damn is it hard to find a job! does any one have a good idea as to how to make money? Some one tell me please!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Cinematic Sunrise

I have always been a big Chiodos fan and thier lead singer's (Craig Owens) new project doesn't fail to impress. Cinematic sunrise is much like a toned down Chiodos. It's great when you want CHiodos, but don't what it to loud. I'v yet to decipher the dep meanings of the ongs yet because, well....I'm retarded, but I'll get back to you on that. So check them out and buy thier CD! It's only 7 bucks on Itunes!

Thursday, November 27, 2008


Best stop motion ever!

I found the best stop motion movie EVER! on Garage Magazine's web site (

Amazing Images

Life and Google have created a data base of some amazing historical pictures. simply type in what you want to look for, then "source:Life", and many great images , many of wich have never been see, will show up for your enjoyment!

Worls longest Surfboard

Here is a link to Rico de Souza riding the world's longest surf board at 30ft. It's pretty bitchn'.

World's Longest Surfboard

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy thanksgiving everybody!