Monday, December 8, 2008


So I know the econemy is lookn like crap, and I'm in college, and I have no time, But God damn is it hard to find a job! does any one have a good idea as to how to make money? Some one tell me please!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Cinematic Sunrise

I have always been a big Chiodos fan and thier lead singer's (Craig Owens) new project doesn't fail to impress. Cinematic sunrise is much like a toned down Chiodos. It's great when you want CHiodos, but don't what it to loud. I'v yet to decipher the dep meanings of the ongs yet because, well....I'm retarded, but I'll get back to you on that. So check them out and buy thier CD! It's only 7 bucks on Itunes!

Thursday, November 27, 2008


Best stop motion ever!

I found the best stop motion movie EVER! on Garage Magazine's web site (

Amazing Images

Life and Google have created a data base of some amazing historical pictures. simply type in what you want to look for, then "source:Life", and many great images , many of wich have never been see, will show up for your enjoyment!

Worls longest Surfboard

Here is a link to Rico de Souza riding the world's longest surf board at 30ft. It's pretty bitchn'.

World's Longest Surfboard

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy thanksgiving everybody!

East Coast Surf

Thats right folks, the East Coast has waves.Check it out...damn i wanna go surf.

More surfing videos on

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

From Bad-News to Fredvegas

It's Thanksgiving break now at CNU, so to celebrate....I drove home. I took the epic adventure from Newport News to Fredericksburg. Can't wait for that good home cookin'!

Great Pick Up Lines of the 21st Century

Are you on birth control? Because you just stole my heart!

Reindeer Names

It took the man power of five people in a late afternoon communications class to determine the names of Santa's Reindeer. We did some good work.

Alan goes surfing in cold November waters

So I love my new hobby of surfing, however I don't live in the warmest year long climate. While a wet suit helps a lot, with out the booties and gloves it can get a tad bit chilly in the colder months. When i went out yesterday the ocean looked like a bath tub at first, not much going on, but after venturing out into the Virginia waters the water was clean, the waves were breaking at just the right height and place for a fun day, the dolphins were dancing, the pelicans were swooping and diving, and my feet turned blue.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Bathroom Graffiti

Here are some cool ass pictures i took of some graffiti in the bathroom of Lazy Dayz Hookah lounge in Newport News, VA. It's a real chill place where both locals and students from Christopher Newport University chill, I suggest you check it out next time your in town.

Alan busts nut at non-porn video of 3oh!3 and katy perry.

Where the hell was i for this!

Shush girl shut your lips, Do the Hellen Keller and talk with your hips.

I am now here to spread the word of 3oh!3. And yes i spelled that right. If you like mildly womanizing-slightly offensive to blacks-skinny white guy-possibly school yard bullying-electro-hip-hop then this is the perfect band for you. If you concider two guys one band, wich i do.

Katy Perry Is HOT!

So just to make things clear Katy Perry is very hot, in more ways than one. Here are some reasons why:

1. Katy Perry has the voice of a siren.

2. Katy Perry has the body type that is the exact opposite of a manatee.

3. Katy Perry wears skimpy clothes.

4. Katy Perry likes kissing girls (Me too!).

5. Katy Perry is a white girl that looks hot with jet black hair.

6. Katy Perry is rock and roll.

7. Katy Perry wears a legless wedding dress (To my wedding?).

What it all comes down to is that Katy Perry is a hell of a woman who would rock you all night long, look good under your arm, and still laugh at a flagrant use of flatulence.