Monday, November 24, 2008

Katy Perry Is HOT!

So just to make things clear Katy Perry is very hot, in more ways than one. Here are some reasons why:

1. Katy Perry has the voice of a siren.

2. Katy Perry has the body type that is the exact opposite of a manatee.

3. Katy Perry wears skimpy clothes.

4. Katy Perry likes kissing girls (Me too!).

5. Katy Perry is a white girl that looks hot with jet black hair.

6. Katy Perry is rock and roll.

7. Katy Perry wears a legless wedding dress (To my wedding?).

What it all comes down to is that Katy Perry is a hell of a woman who would rock you all night long, look good under your arm, and still laugh at a flagrant use of flatulence.